IPPAM Continuing Education program combines class lectures, case discussion, group exercises, panel speakers and discussion, field trips to government agencies, education facilities, non-profit organizations, coupled with private sector cooperation.

USC Price IPPAM – Beijing Urban Development Research Institute (BUDI) Program
The International Public Policy and Management Program (IPPAM) at USC Price School of Public Policy hosted a group of 30 scholars from Beijing Urban Development Research Institute (BUDI), China from June 16 – 19, 2014 for a visiting scholar study program. The program focused on Global Governance, International Finance and Economic Development in the 21st Century and is the first in a series of programs that USC IPPAM has developed for the Beijing Urban Development Institute.
Topics include (but not limited) to:
- Governance and Governing in the US
- Global Finance: International Trade and Attracting Foreign
- The Age of Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
- Economic Development and Collaborative Initiatives in Strategic Planning
- Effective Leadership in Today’s Global Economy: Innovation in Times of Change